xAPI Wrapper Tutorial

Step 5 - What next?

To recap, in learning how to integrate xAPI Wrapper with existing HTML content, we have successfully:

So what's next?

All these project are free and open-source, available for use in your projects:


Can xAPI Wrapper only be used on websites?

Absolutely not. Anything that supports javascript can use xAPI Wrapper, including (but not limited to) ebooks, mobile apps, node.js

Can xAPI Wrapper do anything else?

Tons of stuff! For this tutorial we've only covered the tip of the iceberg. Check out the xAPI Wrapper Reference Documentation for ideas on what else it can do.

I'm stuck, how can I get help?

You can contact anyone on the ADL staff and they'll point you in the right direction. For immediate assistance, you are welcome to contact Tyler Mulligan or Craig Wiggins.

Practice makes perfect

Try out the JS Fiddle for start playing with this tutorial immediately.

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